Noah Scheinerman’sLove for Hockey!

As a junior at Langley High School, Noah Scheinerman has already made a name for himself in the world of ice hockey. With ten years of experience in the sport, Noah’s passion and dedication have driven him to achieve remarkable success both at the high school level and with his club team. Let’s get to know this talented athlete and learn more about
his goals, routines, and aspirations in the world of ice hockey.
Noah’s personal goals within his sport are ambitious and inspiring. He aims to win another high school
state championship, and a national championship with his club team in early April. Beyond that, he dreams of playing at the next level in college, showcasing
his skills on a bigger stage.
Like many athletes, Noah has his pre-competition rituals that help him prepare mentally and physically for games. He listens to music by his favorite artist, Lil Baby, to get him ‘in the zone’. He also follows a consistent routine, eating the same breakfast and lunch on game days, and arriving at the rink with ample time
before the game. These rituals help him focus and stay in the right mindset for competition.
Being a member of a team has taught Noah invaluable life lessons. He understands the importance of teamwork and the privilege of playing with teammates who are dedicated to each other’s success. Noah is grateful for his teammates and the impact they have on his growth as a player and a person. One of the best pieces of advice Noah has received from his coaches and mentors is to leave it all out on the ice. He believes that going home knowing you did not give your best effort is the worst feeling to have.

This advice has fueled his determination to always strive for his best performance, on and off the ice. He aspires to continue his passion for the sport at the collegiate level and make a mark as a student-athlete. His determination and skills make him a strong candidate for playing at the next level. Outside of ice hockey, Noah enjoys playing other sports, spending time with friends and family, and indulging in his favorite snack food – bananas. He is determined, humorous, and genuine, traits that serve him well both on and off the ice. Noah is a shining example of a student athlete who embodies the spirit of the sport whose talent and tenacity will take him far in his ice hockey journey.

Our McLean community wishes him continued success and looks forward to witnessing his journey in the sport he loves.

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